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A million choices main campaign

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:58 pm

"The name's Serren, thanks for asking." I turn to the mage, "and I'm the one who saved you from the golem, spare a glance at least!" I regain my cool and state, "I'm Serren the bounty hunter, and you are?"

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Nick Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:09 pm

"Forgive me, i did not notice you". I look at Serren and bow my head slightly. "I am Asarian, thank you for saving me." Looking around I notice Lyon is still missing and figure the bounty hunter would know his where abouts. "Have you seen my apprentice? He was with me earlier but he seems to of gone." I look towards the door in hope he would step through.


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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:25 pm

"He was sort of, umm... incinerated by the uh... golem." I say quietly butting in before Serren can try and skirt around the explanation which would, I think, only make it worse.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Nick Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:33 pm

"Incinerated?!" I shout in dismay as i sit down against the wall, trying over come by Lyon's fate. "H-how...how did this happen...?" I hold my head in my heads as strong emotions rise in me. I look up at the two. "Was there no way of saving him?".


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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:19 pm

"The fool attempted to fight the golem by himself. I ran back to help but could only save you. He was killed almost instantly." I can't help but show my uninterest in his apprentice, "I should tell you of a vision I had as I attacked the golem's stalagmites by the entrance. As my lance slashed into the magical stalagmites, I saw a figure, shrouded in darkness wearing black chainmail. I believe he must have something to do with the golem's exceptional power. We should be weary of such a person. Asarian, do you know anything about this place or the text? If you no nothing also I suggest we take a look around the place to try to figure out something about it."

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Nick Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:11 pm

I sit there mindlessly watching the floor as guilt fills inside of me. I don't make much interaction towards Serran and become more concerned with the death of my apprentice. "I failed him..." I say to myself, considering if it was all my fault.


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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:54 pm

"As harsh as this will sound, now is not the time to grieve because it could cost us our lives." I say to Asarian calmly "If that golem gets in here it will almost certainly kill us all."

"We need to find a safe place first, which I feel relies on us figuring out what this orb does and what this text says." I continue before turning my attention back to the text.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Nick Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:02 pm

After a few minutes I decide to pull myself up and slowly make my way towards the text, still concerned with lyon's fate. I stare at the text for a moment, using my knowledge from past studies and alike i attempt to work out what it means.


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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:09 pm

After a few moments spent looking at the text I turn to Asarian and ask "What do you think it says? I have some ideas but I'm not entirely sure."

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Nick Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:24 pm

Spending a few moments looking at the text i turn to Tiberius with a puzzled look on my face. "Im not entirely sure to be honest..." Kneeling down and taking a closer look at the writing i begin to make out letters i can read. "These words here seem to say 'The first rule', but that is all i can make out." Pointing to the first half of the text.


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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:30 pm

"Ah good," I smile "we are thinking along the same lines."

"I agree with you about the first half," I say, pointing to the latter half of the text I continue "and I feel that here it could say 'is now in effect', making the full sentence: 'The first rule is now in effect'. What do you think?"

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Nick Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:41 pm

"It seems to make sense, but still...we can't be certain that it is or what it means. But its the best guess we have i suppose." I look towards Serren curious to what he thinks. "What do you think?"


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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:47 pm

"Looks right to me but what's the first rule?" I pause, "I don't like all this standing around." I walk to the nearest door other than the entrance, "I'm gonna check out the rest of this place first."

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:53 pm

As you look around the room you begin to make out some of the finer details. Upon the floor in the center of the room is a large red mat that seems to have been scuffed many times, it is also somewhat crooked. Around the rest of the room all the surfaces are made of clean white marble, except for the doors which have a series of red dots on them.

(To recap there is a door on your left, right and straight forward, as well as then entrance)

You hear a slight wooshing sound, before a small gash opens upon on tiberius' arm, the blood slowly dripping on the floor.

Elliot: As you push upon the door it feels as if you are pushing against a mountain; no amount of pressure will move it at all.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:10 pm

I cry out in pain as the gash opens on my arm and quickly cover it with my other hand in an attempt to staunch the flow of blood.

"What the hell was that?!" I exclaim to no-one in particular.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:16 pm

Tiberious' cry overshadowed the embarassment that I felt from the door not opening so I continued walking as if nothing had happened. I went toward levers saying "well if you're not going to then I shall." I pulled on the closest lever and hoped for the best.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:20 pm

As you pull the leaver it clicks into place half way down: it appears to have 2 stages. Upon closer inspection so do the other 3.

Nothing appears to happen.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:23 pm

I start to get annoyed at nothing happening and I try to force the lever down.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:25 pm

Still in pain, I quickly take my backpack off and rummage through it to retrieve a bandage. I find out and take it out before wraping it around the gash, eventually stopping the blood flow completely.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:26 pm

The lever clicks down into it's second (bottom) stage. Nothing appears to happen. The leavers are now like this:

x = space
0 = lever position

x 0 0 0
x x x x
0 x x x

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:32 pm

Looking up at Serren I quickly say "Are you sure you want to pull random levers? We don't even know what that thing does yet."

Pointing to the girl in the corner I continue "She seems to know something about this place, maybe we should ask her first." After a short pause I mumble "She'll need waking though."

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:35 pm

"Well what do you suggest then? If we can't get out of this room soon I'm gonna just take the girl and leave."

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:37 pm

"Leave and go where?" I retort "If you want to try and get through that golem then be my guest, but we've had enough death for one day already."

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:41 pm

"I could if I wanted to! So do you want my help or not?!"

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A million choices main campaign - Page 3 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:54 pm

"You could what? Teleport to the other side of that door," I reply while pointing at the door we came in, my voice raising slightly "into something you can't see? For all you know you'll end up half inside a damn golem and there is no way I'm coming to get you if you do."

I pause and take a breath before continuing "Sure, theres a slim chance you won't end up inside a golem but you saw what it did to that other guy. You wont last a second on your own."

My voice begins to drop in volume as I plead "We have a higher chance of getting out of this if there are more of us, so please see some sense and don't go back outside until we know its safe."

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