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A million choices main campaign

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:05 pm

For those in the tower.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:16 pm

Those in the tower

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:19 pm


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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:28 pm

For those in the tower:

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:34 pm

Those in the tower

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:46 pm

For those in the tower:

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:50 pm

Inside the tower:


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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:09 pm

For those in the tower:

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:19 pm



Everyone else:


OOC: Basic map of the movements of the different groups, might help.


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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:49 pm

Outside of the tower the mage's apprentice has finally decided to make his stand, the speed spell hugely increasing his chances of success. Diving forward he rolls over to a large rock and slams the end of a chain that he has pulled out of his sleeve onto it, chanting in ancient elvish as he does so. The rock and chain shimmer slightly, before becoming one: fused. Grabbing the other end of the chain the apprentice begins spinning it effortlessly, the rock building up more and more energy before it is spinning fast enough to take out a charging rhino.

Jumping towards the golem which is now turning to face him, he slams the inpromptu weapon into it's arm, smashing away a huge block from it's forearm. The golem roars in rage, reaching out to grab the apprentice; yet it is not fast enough. He ducks to one side, spinning the weapon up to take another hit, pride at his own achievements welling up in his body.

Yet it is not to be.

The golem raises it's hand, briefly, slowly. It's eyes suddenly flash white, a vast symbol appearing on the ground beneath it. The golem's mouth opens, yet no chant comes out; instead a voice completely uncharacteristic of the huge being; a charismatic voice; a human voice.

"Four fold blast array. Release."

The blast hits the apprentice square in the chest, a huge beam of light released from the seal beneath the golem. He shrieks, the pain sending his limbs out of control as his body slowly burns away.

"Fu. Ck y- " He stutters, the agony rendering him incapable of any other words. All that is left of him is ash.

The golem spins once more to face the apprentices master, it's gravelly voice returning. "PURPOSE!" it yells as it returns to the warpath, charging straight ahead of itself towards the mage.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:11 pm

My natural fierce flair kicks in as I see the apprentice get burned by the golem's spell and I ran over to the remaining mage hurling my lance at the golem at the source of it's blast hoping that I could prevent a second occurrence with it's mana draining properties. I get to the mage and shout at him to get to the tower.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:15 pm

The lance slams into the golems shoulder, near to the location of it's other wound. It pieces through, the enchantments upon it disrupting the golem. Roaring in annoyance it pulls the lance out and smashes it against the ground; however your ploy worked. It stopped running for a brief period of time; however the peace doesn't last long as it sweeps it's hand forward, a cascade of earth knocking the mage back towards to the tower, leaving him 2 meters from the door. The golem lowers it's head and begins to charge once more.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:26 pm

I raise my hand, willing the lance to reappear and teleport to the mage's landing spot. I see him laying still and decide to pull him to the cover of the tower, cursing at the other mage's foolishness.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:36 pm

The lance reappears in your hand as you blink up to the mage. Pulling him inside you see the flower girl run past you and slam the door, her face screwed up in fear, tears streaking down her face. In her hands she holds the enchanted flowers.

You can no longer hear the golem, the room is silent.



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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:53 pm

"Its quiet..." I say softly, "too quiet..."

Turning and looking around for anything different I continue; "I want to know why it is so quiet and I want to know quickly" drawing my sword as I finish.

Last edited by Iban on Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:07 pm

"I think this mage is out cold", I look at the other man in the room, "what do you think we should do until he wakes up? That golem must still be outside although it's being very quiet... You think the tower is enchanted to be soundproof?"
I turn to the flower girl, "we should get away from the door, in case the golem decides to make an attack."

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:08 pm

She nods slightly before running back and huddling against the left hand wall.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:18 pm

"Lets at least move him away from the door." I suggest while motioning to the mage.

"Then I suggest we try and figure out what this thing does." I say, pointing at the orb with the levers.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:16 am

I drag the mage away from the door. "I'm going to have a look around to see if I can find any clues." I turn to the flower girl, "you seemed as though you might know something about this place earlier, can you tell us anything?"

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:45 am

The flower girl begins to speak but is instead cut of by a tremendous blast that fills the room with intense levels of sound and light. The room, regardless of the fact that it has no windows becomes so bright that you must shield your eyes in order not to go blind, and the echoes of the blast reverberate inside your head for a good 10 seconds after the initial explosion. As you look around silence descends on the room, only broken by the quiet sobbing of the flower girl in the corner. The room appears undamaged, yet there is writing on the floor in front of the orb; it reads:

A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Text11

(Click it)

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Nick Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:43 am

My hand twitches and shortly after my eyes open slowly. I stare at the ceiling for a minute, trying to recollect my thoughts. Pulling myself up i hold my hand to my head "Uh...what was that...?".

Last edited by Nick on Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:20 am; edited 2 times in total


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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:45 am

"That," I reply "is what it feels like to have a golem chasing you."

Moving towards the text I continue to speak "But you're alive at least, so lets not fret over it any longer. What we should be freeting over is what this text says. Something tells me that its fairly vital to our wellbeing that we know what it says."

I kneel down to attempt to read the text, trying to see if I recognise any of the characters.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:59 am

"D-did the room just explode?" Comes a startled cry from the corner; before the flower girl passes out from exhaustion.

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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Nick Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:32 am

I look to both the elf and the girl as each speaks. I try to press myself of the ground, pulling my right arm back from being injured slightly. Using the wall for support i stand up and look in the direction of the elf moving towards the text. "Who are you? and where are we?" I turn my head, studying the room.


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A million choices main campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:33 pm

"My name is Tiberius. I am a Wild Elf. There isn't much more to say to be honest, when we have more time to sit down and talk we will." I reply

"As to where we are; we are in the tower that you were running towards. We have recently learnt that it is a lighthouse, which makes sense considering it is by the sea." I explain. Motioning towards the orb, I continue: "Then there is this orb which none of us can figure out what it does, though our esteemed colleague over there, who's name we still don't know may I add, can tell me that the magic used within it is not normal. Maybe if you could turn your eye to it you might be able to decipher it's use."

Now motioning to the text I finish "And finally we have this text that has appeared, we don't know what it says though we are trying to work it out."

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