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Nick intro - A million choices campaign

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:20 pm

The door to the Anchorage Mage's guild creaks as you push it open, a small zephyr of wind catching your face as you step out onto the pavement in front. It has been a bad day, the arrogant guild master refusing yet again to supply you with a grant for your research; still, tomorrow is another day. You look around, the long street stretching out in front of

you, merchants selling their wares and children laughing as they chase each other around. The buildings are tall, much taller than your home town, however they seem welcoming and friendly. A slight buzzing can be heard as a lazy bee wafts past, the smell of freshly cutflowers following it as a pretty flower seller wanders around the corner of a nearby street.

"Fresh flowers! Buy some today ready for the Hall'ana festival!"

You reach down and pick up a stray petal, the festival of light and wildlife crossing your mind as you straighten back up.

"Good day sir! May you be wanting some flowers for the festival?" The young flowergirl chirps, her words mixing harmoniously with the sound of the trees swaying in the gentle breeze.

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Nick Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:47 pm

I continue to stare at the flower petal for a moment, then i look down at the girl raising a curious eyebrow. Unfamiliar with the festival i question the girl, "The Hall'ana festival? What is that?" I look back up at the crowds of people preparing for the festival, observing them.


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:07 pm

"You do not know Sir Elf? it is one of the most important festivals of the year! The entire region comes together to celebrate and offer gifts to Gaia, Goddess of nature and her daughter, Fox-queen Terra. Fresh flowers and fruits are given to thank them for their kindness, and a dance is performed to beg for good yield in the upcoming harvest."

She looks at you quizzically, before asking you quietly:

"Would you like some flowers?"

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Nick Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:23 pm

I look up from the young girls direction and sigh to myself, crossing my arms. "No...i do not want any of your flowers...It seems pretty foolish to me, placing your beliefs into something so rediculous. We can only hope one day children like you will grow up from this nonsense."
Turning around i peer into the distance from where i entered, almost ignoring the girl. "Where is that boy...? By the nether i swear Aran'dir does this to me for his own amusement...Bubbles! Where are you?!." Frowning in dissapointment i tap my foot impatiently waiting for him to arrive, forgetting the girl is still behind me."


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:29 pm

"My Lord! You cannot speak ill of the earth mother, she watches over us all and cares for us. Speaking of her in such a way could be seen as unfaithfulness and you could bear her wrath!"

She looks up at you, genuine worry apparent in her eyes.

"Do not waste yourself in such a way, please my lord..."

She trails of mid sentence, a downcast look crossing her eyes.

"Please, just offer a single flower?"

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Nick Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:36 pm

I turn around back to the girl seemingly annoyed. "You're still here?" Seeing the disheartened look on her face i roll my eyes and hold out my hand, exchanging a coin in an open palm. "Fine, aslong as you leave me alone, but i still don't buy into this. Thinking to myself i realise the contradicting words and hastily take a flower from the girl, walking off down into the street searching for my missing apprentice...

Last edited by Nick on Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:38 pm

The girl looks after you, her face saddening. Picking up her bundle of flowers she runs after you, keeping a low profile and out of site, thinking of ways to trick you into giving a donation to Gaia.

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Alfie Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:54 pm

I carried on walking away, shifting the heavy bag of supplies around on my back, rubbing my cheek where it had been previously slapped. "Dammit, what is wrong with the girls in this town. They all seem so flaming moody... Much like my master" he mumbled.
Looking in front of me i could see the irritated face of my master as he strode on towards me. I waved at him... he was not amused.


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:55 pm

The flower girl hides behind some large vases, giggling slightly at the apprentice's flaming red cheek.

"Now, how to get him to donate..."

She scratches her head in confusion.

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Nick Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:06 pm

Continuing my aggressive stride to my apprentice i raise my voice in anger. "Where have you been?! I've been waiting for a good ten minutes! We could of reached the temple by now if you wern't spending your time prancing around..." I stop infront, over towering him with my height. "Hurry up, we don't have all day, grab the supplies and we'll continue to the temple and rest for the night" I walk back in my original direction, rubbing my eyes from the stress, pushing past the crowds of customers blocking the path.

Last edited by Nick on Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:22 am; edited 1 time in total


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Alfie Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:17 pm

I'd tried to answer him but in his fuming state i couldn't get a word in. I sighed heavily,
that's typical of the master, not listening, always in a rush... this is probably why no one can likes him. Everyone we meet ends up getting yelled at... frickin' nuts he is.

I shuffle the bag on my back again, adjusting to the heaviness of it. Following the masters angry stride past some vases, i spot a cute flower girl, or so i presume. "Probably playing hide 'n' Seek" i said to my self aloud, sighing once more.


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:38 am

Nick intro - A million choices campaign Img_0011
OOC: The scene prior to last post


The flower girl gasps slightly and backs up, before disappearing around the corner of a nearby building.

The street stretches on in front of you, signs of the upcoming festival everywhere. Flowers decorate shop windows, very young girls dot the stalls making daisy chains for their parents. A large bonfire is being built in the central square, an effigy of Genta, Lord of Famine contained within it. Ahead of you and slightly to the right is the temple of Fiore, the Wind Mistress; and from it's steps a beggar shuffles towards you.

"Alms for the poor?"

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:57 am

Nick intro - A million choices campaign Img_0012

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:06 am

Gazing at the temples splendor i inhale deeply, relaxing myself after the recent commotion, only to be interrupted by a beggar. I look fiercly at him and push him aside. "Out of my way you low life, i don't have time for you or your problems!" I continue to stride up the steps to the temple doors, looking back to ensure my apprentice is still following me. "Bubbles, how are you holding up back there?"


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:10 am

The beggar looks up at you, a mix of anger and surprise on his face. "Foul elf."

As you near the top of the steps you are stopped by a wind-guard, one of the high ranking followers of Fiore. "I don't want any trouble elf, but I will not allow someone with that attitude into this temple."

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Alfie Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:22 am

After i had nodded to what my master had said i started moving over to the beggar, i apologize on behalf of my master "Sorry about that sir, he can be a bit rough when he's got a one track mind." I place some coins in the beggars hands in the hopes he will not cause trouble. I look over to my master to see him having difficulties once again. I sigh and move in closer to find out what the matter is this time.


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:24 am

OOC: Crappy 2 minute drawing inc!

Nick intro - A million choices campaign Img_0013

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:34 am

I fold my arms raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean? My attitude is perfectly fine and i have every right to enter the temple as i have done nothing wrong. I merely wanted to ask about a certain wind spell, thats all..." Sighing impatiently i stare hard at the temple guard, dispising every moment of her presence.


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:36 am

"The way you treated that man in this charitable time is despicable. Although you are correct, you have every right to enter this temple; doing so in such a mind will incur the wrath of the wind mistress herself."

With that she turns and walks back to the door, every step making no sound at all as her feet struggle to even touch the ground.

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:43 am

As the girl turns her back i smirk proudly to myself. As she walks i tilt my head slightly curious as to why her movement is so strange. I don't bother to ask in the risk of starting another arguement and continue to the temple doors, before entering i turn to my apprentice with a stern look on my face. "Be sure to behave yourself, these guards are very strict on their own grounds. I don't want any of your nonsense, understood?" Hardly waiting for a reply i enter the temple silently, observing the people.


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Alfie Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:52 am

Sighing again as i walked into the temple, examining the surrounding with awe. I suddenly spot the female wind-guard that my master had been arguing with. "Now that's a woman!", i grinned to my self, adjusted my hair, stroke down my clothing and walked over to her. "Hello good looking!"


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:00 am

The wind guard sighs, a small zephyr of wind gusting over you. She looks up and regards you, a very slight grin forming.


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Alfie Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:05 am

Delighted with a reply and not a slap to the face like usual i start to confront her a bit more, "Whats a good looking woman like your self doing in a place like this? Care for some company?"


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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:13 am

The guard raises her hand to her face and states: "I'm on duty."

A powerful gust of wind hits you, propelling you into the temple and up to Asarian. (VGHASADTN)

"Get on with it."

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:21 am

Turning towards my apprentice i frown at his awkward entrance to the temple. "What were you doing back there...never mind, i don't care anymore." I finish studying the design of the temple and turn towards one of the guards, trying my best not to upset this one. "Excuse me...do you prehaps have a archive or library or sorts i can use, its crucial to my research." I gently smile to him as i place my hands behind my back.


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