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Nick intro - A million choices campaign

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Nick intro - A million choices campaign - Page 2 Empty Re: Nick intro - A million choices campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:10 pm

"We do indeed; however I need some identification if you wish to see the scrolls."

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Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:22 pm

"Why of course, give me a second" I reach into my robe, shuffling around for a few moments as i pull out a pendant connected to a silver chain around my neck, the pendant symbolizes the mages guild crest in its center, decorated with runes around the edge of it, forming a circular shape. Holding it tightly in my arms i place it towards the guards face so he can look at it closer. "Will this do?"


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Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:26 pm

"Indeed, follow me."

He turns and wanders up the hall, the strange walk ever present in his steps. When he reaches the third door up he turns and places his hand on it, a strange language echoing for his mouth.

"דערלויבט מיר פּאָזיציע דורך דעם חסד פון פיאָרע."

The door cracks open slightly before vaporising.

"In here."

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Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:40 pm

"Fasinating, we use similiar magic back at the mages guild." I step foward towards the location of where the door once was, inspecting the outside of it. After a moment i then look to the library, slowly proceding inside it. I turn to the guard with a nod thanking him and make my way to the large bookcases near the door and begin to search through the books, flicking through each one in search of a particular book.


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Post  Alfie Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:15 pm

I follow the master through the empty gap where the door use to be, looking around the room in amazement. I also start looking around at the books, putting on a unusual concentrating face. "Master, just wondering but what are we looking for again..?" I turn to see him nto paying attention.. again. I sigh.


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Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:27 pm

Pulling my eyes away from the book i continue searching along the shelf of the bookcase, not making any eye contact to my apprentice. "You don't pay much attention do you?". I sigh, taking another book and within moments closing it again. "Aran'dir has requested us to come to the temple of Fiore in search of a book which does not reside in the Mages guilds library. Although i do not know his specific reasons for requesting such a thing, it gives insight into ancient magic which was used by the ancients themselves." I move on to the next shelf of books, leaving the previous in a untidy state. "This all seems like a waste of time to me..."

(( I didn't know what to write! ))


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Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:54 pm

A very slight swooshing sound can be heard behind you as a wind guard who looks to be in her early twenties comes up behind you. "Having fun, boys?"

She stands at about 5'6", although this is deceptive as she is floating around 2 inches off of the ground. She wears clean lilac robes and a silver band around her gaseous blue hair, pulling her hair back to reveal a pretty face and periwinkle blue eyes.

"My name is A'natha, Exarch of Fiore. And you?"

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Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:11 pm

My eyes widen slightly at the sudden appearance of the strange girl. "By Galenanxius's white beard...another one? I place the book in my hands back on to the shelf carefully as i return my attention to her. "I am Asarian, instructor of the mages guild. This is my apprentice, Lyon , but don't mind him. Now, if you wouldn't mind, please leave us to our buisness, we are limited on time." I turn away from her, once again scanning the books with my eyes.


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Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:32 pm

"Hmm, is that so... Do you not have even the smallest amount of time for little old me?"

She floats slightly closer.

"No time at all?"

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Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:37 pm

I lean back slightly as she approaches foward, raising an eyebrow. "I...what exactly do you want? And stop doing that!" I step foward regaining my posture.


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Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:39 pm

Dispersing into vapor she re-appears a few inches in front of your nose, smile still intact.

"Surely you must have a little time, just to stop and talk..."

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Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:40 pm

Narrowing my eyes i place my hand on her shoulder pushing her back slightly. "What do you mean 'talk'? What do you possibly want to talk to me about?"


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Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:43 pm

"Well you see, generally it is a matter of common practice and manners to at least approach the leader of a temple when you visit on such an... important job. You however seem to have ignored this common courtesy."

She smiles some more, though now it seems slightly forced.

"What are you looking for?"

Her eyes blaze as you feel her invading the outskirts of your mind, warnings to explain yourself before she starts a full on assault.

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Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:50 pm

"L-leader of the temple?" I start thinking to myself of ways to pull myself out of this perdicament that i have gotten myself into, with little i can do i decide to carefully answer her questions narrowly as possible. "Oh yes...forgive me, i've been under alot of stress lately, you see working as a mage has both its up and downsides, its a difficult life to lead. I was simply looking for a book based on ancient history and its beliefs". I continue to look at her and try not to allow her presence to affect me.


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Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:55 pm

You feel the assault easing on your mind.

"You were at least telling the truth... But you certainly need to sort out your attitude. Get on with your work, but come and see me at the end of your visit, I shall be at the shrine."

With that she turns to the apprentice who had been standing somewhat dumbstruck.

"You seem to have potential young one, though it is probably not a good idea to try and make out with something that isn't of your own species." She gestures towards the wind guard from earlier who had just entered the room.

"I shall be seeing you soon."

With her final words she vaporises, leaving you with the Wind Guard from before.

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Post  Alfie Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:22 pm

As she vanished i shook my head and ended my paralyzed gaze. "Not a good idea to try and make out with something that isn't of your own species... rubbish." I huffed to my self now and turn to look at the master who seems to be a bit more distracted than usual... and more on edge. I wonder if that was the closest he has got with the opposite sex....
I sniggered to my self, musing over the master's love life.


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Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:31 pm

Trying to comprehend what happened i stand there lingering for a few moments until i finally snap out of it. I look at Lyon with a distasteful look on my face. "What are you sniggering at you little pervert?" I quickly turn back to the bookcase and eventually pull out a tattered book, hardly seen much care for at least a few years. Its spine seems to almost fall of by itself as i carefully hand it to Lyon. "Hold on to this, do not damage it!" I head to the door from where we first entered and begin to make my way back out to the main hall.


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Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:42 pm

The young Wind Guard follows silently until you reach the main hall where she states: "The Exarch is this way." She indicates down a side passage that leads into the temple garden, and waves her hand to indicate that you should walk down it.

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Post  Alfie Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:48 pm

I walked up close to the Wind Guard attempting to create small talk while she led the way, "so how long have you been a Guard at this place? Do ya like it here? Maybe a bit lonely?", my master seemed to be looking at me with either bemusement or irritation... maybe a bit of both.


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Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:52 pm

"Inquisitive, aren't we?" She smiles slightly at you. "I've been here for 3 years, although that is a very short timespan for my people. As to whether I like it or not, I enjoy my job greatly as I get to be close to my Goddess and Liege throughout my entire life; nothing could be better."

She then looks at you sadly and says under her breath:

Whisper to Alfie:

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Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:00 pm

I begin growing concerned about the questioning of the Exarch, thinking to myself why she is so interested in my work and what reason she has to personally see us. I stop by the door frame leading into the temple's garden, looking outside. "I don't like this one bit, Lyon...as soon as were done here we're out, i don't want you idly lingering behind." I continue walking as i step into the garden, looking for the Exarch...


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Post  Alfie Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:09 pm

I grin at the Wind Guard, whispering back to her:
I giggles to my self now. "Oh whats ya name By the..." I get interrupted by what the master wished to tell me. I nod at the master to show an understanding of what he is saying. Mhm... i agree, something doesn't feel right here...


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Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:14 pm

A small cyclone can be seen transversing the garden, the Exarch following closely behind it. As she nears you can see the gas around her head pulsing red with worry, she also appears to be chewing her own lip.

"You came, that at least is a start. We have a problem, your guild leader just contacted me."

She indicates to a nearby bench for you to sit on, but remains hovering herself.

"It appears that a golem is loose near the ancient lighthouse near the south end of anchorage. It has already assaulted three people and killed 2 others. Your guild is sending reinforcements and has asked for you to help in the investigations."

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Post  Nick Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:19 pm

"Hold on...slow down." I raise my hand to my eyes, protecting them from the pick up of dust and other small objects. "This is all so sudden and why didn't you mention this sooner?!" Sighing i walk towards the bench, pushing against the wind. As i approach it i sit down and cross my arms looking at the Exarch with a questionable face. "Tell me exactly what is going on."


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Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:22 pm

"I had called you here originally just to rant at you for the way you have treated people in the town so far, the news only just arrived. It appears that the golem is too strong for the patrolling guards, and has some form off magical attack. In other words. the only way to combat it is with counter mages. I would send out my guard but wind has very little effect against stone."

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