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A million choices main campaign

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A million choices main campaign Empty A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:27 am

Lyon + Asarian:

The exarch begins cackling manically, the black orbs forming into a long spike as the rest of her skin bubbles and rots away. Lifting the spike she prepares to stab you, the vicious blade quivering in anticipation.

Her new attempt is cut short however as a deafening roar fills the quayside, a monolithic golem storming out of the nearby woods in pursuit of a smaller, unarmed target.

"PURPOSE?!" It screams, the roar shaking the ground around it.

The golem dives once again for it's target, now recognizable as an elf, yet misses and slides along the ground, narrowly missing your group.

The bubbling exarch leaps backwards away from it, a roar of hatred escaping its lips as it sees the golem.

"YoU!!! WhY aRE you INterruPTING?!"

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:28 am

A million choices main campaign Img_0014

A million choices main campaign Img10

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Nick Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:53 am

I step backwards from both the Golem and Exarch, trying to think of the best way to deal with the situation. Looking into the distance i notice another person running from the golem and look to Lyon, standing idly by as usual. "Lyon! I will take care of the Exarch, you need to help that man." I quickly turn back to the deformed Exarch and extend my arm outwards revealing an arm with runes running along it.


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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:13 pm

The fight is once again cut short as an immense blast of wind howls down the entrance to the Quayside, knocking the bubbling creature, the golem and both mages back off of their feet. Standing atop the hill leading down the Quay you can now see the original, real Exarch standing with her arms outstretched, bolts of wind circulating around her body. Standing beside her, pointing down the quay is a young lady holding a bunch of flowers; the flower girl has returned.

A small whirlwind circles around the exarch as she floats down to where you are now laying, and she turns to the bubbling shapechanger that had taken her form.

"You'll pay for that."

Lifting her hand she begins chanting a spell, the terrible words that pour from her mouth chilling you to the bone.

"Prepare yourself."

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:59 pm

"What in the name of Solarian is this...?"

I say aloud but to no-one in particular while gazing upon the scene confronting me. Remembering my situation, I quickly move as far away from everything else here as possible while still staying out of the trees.

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:10 pm

With a sickening crunch the golem recovers from it's dive, and swings wildly towards the shapeshifter, unfortunately missing it's target a slamming the unsuspecting Exarch in the chest. Knocked backwards around 10 feet the exarch swings her body round and attempts to land on her feet, stumbles and falls. Around her body the ground now starts rumbling as the golem seeks to finish off what it started, vast stalagmites erupting around and through her body. The last dying breath of the Exarch of wind is that of pure agony.

Screaming from the top of the hill the flower girl begins running towards the now lifeless, vaporising corpse; whilst the golem returns to it's original target of the Shapeshifter, jumping forward and slamming it's fist through the wretched creature's head.

A rough cry can be heard from the woods as another humanoid shape bursts from the trees in search of the golem. Racing down the slope he prepares to launch an attack upon the crouching creature which simply reaches up and flicks him out of the air, placing the entire group behind it.

OOC: (Asarian, Lyon, Andrex character, Serren, Flower girl)

The creature bellows and charges at you, leaving your only escape route as back towards the tower.


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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:22 pm

"WHAT PURPOSE?" I shout at the golem "WHO SENT YOU?"

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:27 pm


With that it charges towards the group, battlecry echoing throughout the Quayside. The thunderous charge of the creature shakes the very ground around you, leaving you only one option.

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:49 pm

The flower girl's face pales with fear before she turns tail and runs as fast as she can towards the ancient tower. "Gaia save me!" She squeals, curling up as she runs in order to make herself as small as possible.

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:50 pm

I start to run away from the incoming Golem, signalling that the others should do the same. The tower looms in front but it surely cannot be more perilous than the Golem charging from behind.

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Nick Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:10 am

Pulling myself back up i look to the others and agree to follow them, motioning for Lyon to also follow. As i continue to run i look back to see how far away the golem is, trying to keep distance.


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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:20 pm

The golem continues to charge after you, an unstoppable wall of rock. As you (and it, close behind) reach the bottom of the slope it raises it's hands in a way that you've seen before: It's summoning the stalagmites.

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:35 pm

"Everyone move!" I shout to the rest of the group, "Get to the tower, its our only hope of surviving this!"

I lead the group at a run towards the tower ahead of us.

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:02 am

The flower girl barrels into the door of the old tower as the stalagmites erupt up behind her. The door yields, and she falls through straight onto her face. The golem is now half way down the slope and closing on the group, about 5 seconds behind.

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:18 pm

I follow the flower girl into the tower and scout around for a means to escape further.

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Alfie Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:04 pm

As i run catching up to my master i think of an idea which may slow down the golem. "Hey master!?!" i yelled across at him, seeing his face that says "THIS IS NOT A GOOD TIME FOR A CHAT!". "Don't suppose you have an enchantment of speed that i can use???"


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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:10 pm

Well at least he shows some survival instinct I think to myself, looking at the man in robes in front of me as I enter the tower what on Edeya was that guy doing trying to attack that golem? DId he not see what it did to that other thing?

Once inside I look around for anything vaguely interesting.

Last edited by Iban on Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Nick Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:25 pm

I look at Lyon while trying to also watch where i am running to. "Yes i do" I quickly search through my satchel pulling out a piece of silk and hold it in front of me. Placing both my hands on to it i begin to chant to myself in elvish. As i finish the spell i raise my hand to Lyon as i cast a minor speed spell on him and myself, quickening ourselves. In a final dash i jump into the entrance of the tower; turning back to see if lyon has survived.


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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:44 pm

The speed spell spins around Lyon and Asarian before seemingly "attaching" to their legs, making them glow slightly. They rapidly accelerate to around twice the speed that they were moving before; a faint glow following them.

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:22 pm

All those who are now in the tower:


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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:30 pm

Those in the tower:


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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Iban Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:34 pm

Those in the tower

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Ellioto2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:46 pm

For those in the tower:

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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:50 pm



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A million choices main campaign Empty Re: A million choices main campaign

Post  Z.p.r. Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:52 pm

Everyone else in the tower:


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